Twitter SMS Alert

                                                       Twitter SMS Suscription 
                      Twitter Rolls out Easy SMS Following,
Twitter is very useful now a days, If you want to send your Twittes to your Subscriber ......
So ask them to follow the given below procedure to get your Twitte status on their Mobile...

Note: Suscription charges are 1+tax life time... and you can send 150 characters of one twitte .

How to follow Twitter on your Mobile to get status of any Twitter Account.

            Simple.......Take Your Mobile

In your Write Message TYPE    ............   
F (space) UserName and Send to 40404.

If you don't want to recieve twittes on your mobile so Type ............
STOP or OFF (space) UserName and Send to 40404

 All "Computer Youth" You can also Follow us on your Mobile,
Type F (space) ComputerYouthPk and send to 40404.

CYP Admin

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To get status on your mobile....!
Type F (space) ComputerYouthPk & send it to 40404